
About Me


My Journey

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Hello! I am Barbara and I created Daily Wellness for You LLC as I had my own personal health transformation after suffering for MANY years. I am passionate to help women transform their lives.

My health challenges included constant fatigue, body-wide joint pain, hypertension (requiring 2 medications), imbalanced hormones (causing many symptoms such as brain fog, mood imbalances, weight gain), digestive issues and a complete loss of zest for life.

In regard to the weight gain, I tried popular weight loss programs a few different times and lost the weight and gained it all back - each time! These programs were not sustainable. Also, when I was in a “weight loss state”, all of my other symptoms remained.

I saw many different health practitioners of all different types and I finally got properly diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, elevated heavy metals and genetic detox issues.

These issues were creating massive inflammation in my body that caused my symptoms.

The keys to my feeling alive and well again were two-fold. One key was getting accurate diagnoses so I knew what I was dealing with and the other key was simple lifestyle, mindset and nutrition changes.

I was so inspired by this that I completed two health coaching programs.

While getting proper medical care for accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans was very important (and I am forever grateful to my healthcare team for this!), making a decision to take personal control of my life was equally important.

When I committed to taking "doing my part" with my day-to-day nutrition, mindset, exercise and lifestyle habits, I experienced a significant turn in my symptoms. This is when the magic happened!

I am happy to report that I no longer have any of the aforementioned symptoms and my blood pressure is normal without any medications. I lost 30 pounds and have kept it off effortlessly. Best of all, I have regained my zest for life!

My Education & Background:

I am a Health Coach through the Primal Health Coach Institute and the Institute of Transformational Nutrition. I also have a background as an RN with my prior career being in the Healthcare Administration sector for many years.

My Coaching Practice:

I help midlife women and women with autoimmune issues ditch the unwanted weight, regain energy and get their lives back!

My clients are shown how to incorporate simple nutrition and lifestyle changes that result in sustained weight loss along with many other benefits such as improved energy, reduced inflammation (this is the root of many health issues!), decrease or eliminate pain, improved digestion, increased strength and confidence. The nutrition and lifestyle changes are based on an ancestral approach that has been scientifically proven effective.

To get control of your health and improve your vitality, click the button below to apply for one of my programs!

My Personal Transformation

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It is not just about weight loss!

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